As I grew up I moved around quite a bit. I don't think that I ever stayed in one city for more than 4 years straight. The moving was most often a result of my father receiving promotions within the company he worked/works for. A lot of people could not imagine moving as much as I have, and would have huge issues and problems if their family had done what mine did. I think what made all of our moves so smooth was the fact that we had a tight and loving family.
The head of my family is my father. He is a strong, motivated, hardworking, and loving man. I can saftely say that he has nothing but the best intentions in mind for our family, and he would do anything to protect us. Without any post-secondary education he has, and continues to, progress within business. I have no doubt that one day he will run the Canadian operations of his current company... if he so chooses. I love listening to him talk business, and tell stories of how people try to "take him on" within the company. He is a problem solver, sales master, and is probably the most reliable man to go to when you need something done... and done right. As I write this I continue to think of more things that just amaze me. My father truely is a great man.
As I grew up and began making more of my own deciisions it became obvious to me that although I am my father's son, we are very different in some ways. My father has had to work really hard to get where he is today in business, and he has huge expectations of me in business. I think he is right to have expectations, but we do not share a common view of what I need to be doing. At this point in my life I am not motivated to get into a big corporation in hopes of one day heading up some giant company. Right now my dream would be to run Sixth Ave and work with all the people that come in to skate. I want to work in an industry that intrigues me and gives me something to look forward to every morning. I think I would like to work with kids in a non-church environment where friendships can be made and lives can be changed. I can tell you now that this will not make me a lot of money.
Now, maybe in 5 years my outlook will change and I will start my accent up the corporate ladder, but at this point it does not appeal to me. I think it is hard to explain this to my father, and because of this we often get in little battles over what I want to do. In everything I do I consider my father and respect the knowlege/experience he has and offers to me... but I must make my own decisions. I hope that in time I will be able to articulate myself well enough to make him understand what I am doing/thinking. He has taght me to make good decisions, and I am now at a point where my decisions may deviate from his. I guess I am growing up...
I doubt you will ever read this dad, but know that I love you more than you could ever imagine. You have been the best father a guy could ask for... I guess I was just blessed to be raised by you and mom. As we go ahead I know that we will have disagreements, but nothing will ever change the fact that you are my father and nothing can take that away.